The proposed IoT-based distribution transformer condition monitoring system enables real-time monitoring of distribution transformers, identifying such deviations as overload conditions and overheating. Through IoT technology, essential operational data is collected and displayed locally on an LCD interface.
Additionally, this data is transmitted remotely to cloud platforms like Adafruit.io for analysis, allowing for proactive maintenance. The system’s architecture incorporates sensors interfaced with a microcontroller, ensuring seamless data acquisition and transmission. This system empowers utilities to optimise power distribution networks and enhance operational reliability cost-effectively.
Bill of Materials | |
Components | Quantity |
ESP32 board | 1 |
Transformer | 1 |
Current sensor ACS712 | 1 |
Humidity and temperature sensor DHT11 | 1 |
Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 | 1 |
Wires and jumpers | As required |
16×2 LCD display module | 1 |
In the system design, the ACS712 current sensor detects the transformer’s current and identifies overload conditions, while the DHT humidity and temperature sensor monitors the temperature of both the transformer and its surroundings. The ultrasonic sensor tracks the transformer’s oil level.
The Adafruit IO dashboard enables data monitoring on an IoT platform. The ESP32 board connects the system to a Wi-Fi network, sending data to the IoT dashboard. The authors’ prototype is shown in Fig. 1, and the required components are listed in the Bill of Materials table.

Project Prerequisites: What You’ll Need to Get Started
The Arduino IDE is used to write the software, and the ESP32 board must be installed on the IDE. Follow the steps provided on the ESP website to add the ESP32 to the Arduino IDE. After installation, the libraries for the DHT sensor, ACS712 current sensor, and LCD display must be added via the Arduino Library manager.
MQTT and Adafruit IO are employed to display the data on the IoT dashboard. Sign in to an Adafruit IO account and create an API by following the steps outlined by Adafruit IO.
Code for Distribution Transformer Monitoring System
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