Modern electronics have evolved to a great extent today, encompassing computer science on one hand and information technology on the other. There is hardly any electronic project nowadays that does not involve the use of a microcontroller unit (MCU) or computer programming languages.
However, there are still projects that can achieve the same goals as those requiring MCUs and software, but with simpler and more efficient designs.
In our daily lives, temperature controllers find numerous applications, such as in rice cookers, fridges, water geysers, microwave ovens, and air-conditioners.
One device that stands out for its ability to function as a splendid temperature controller, when paired with an MCU and suitable programming, is the TMP36.
By precisely measuring temperatures and providing input to the MCU, which then converts the signal into control commands for associated devices like relays, the TMP36 simplifies temperature control.
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In this project, the TMP36 controls a relay directly, without the need for an MCU or software. The circuit, composed of a few discrete components, is both precise and straightforward. Fig. 1 shows the prototype tested in the EFY lab.

Temperature Controller – Circuit and Working
The circuit diagram of the cute temperature sensor is shown in Fig. 2. The sensor is built around a 5V voltage regulator LM7805 (IC1), the TMP36 sensor (IC2), a 5V one-changeover relay (RL1), npn transistor BC547 (T1), PNP transistor SK100 (T2), diode 1N60 (D1), and a few other components.
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The project “Cute Temperature Controller” by Shree.Bera Somnath is indeed very useful. The simplicity and straight-to-the-purpose design are a boon to the budding Electronic Hobbyists. Thanks a lot to the designer.
Just a moment ago, I finished assembling and testing this nice project on its own dedicated PCB. And it is functioning very good. I used a custom designed PCB to facilitate the usage of SMD Components. As it name suggests, the assembly is even more cute with its tiniest structure! I am using this on my Home Inverter Battery to avoid it getting overheated since it is in use round the clock. Thanks again to the author and Electronics For You.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
The project “Cute Temperature Controller” by Shree.Bera Somnath.
Thanks for the simple design. But the price of the Sensor TMP 35/36 is extremely prohibitive and is not easily available. I hunted thru many suppliers and finally got a few at choking prices. Until lately, I stuck to LM35 and the like. Does EFY supply this Temperature Sensor to its Hobbyists?