XJTAG 4.0 has introduced enhanced speed, multi-TAP capabilities, and design improvements for more efficient engineering and production testing.

XJTAG has released version 4.0 of its software suite, focusing on speed enhancements through improvements to the user interface and increased throughput of JTAG chains under test. This version enhances efficiency for engineers setting up projects and production line operators running tests.
The new feature is the multi-TAP performance enhancement provided by Optimised Scans. Multi-TAP refers to the XJLink2 controller’s ability to operate multiple JTAG chains concurrently to test entire circuits. In version 4.0, running different chains at varying clock speeds is possible. This feature allows each scan to be loaded more effectively, ensuring that slower chains do not reduce the data transfer rate of faster ones. While devices on separate chains execute each test step together, the optimised data transfer improves test times.
The primary users of the version 4.0 software suite will be engineers and production line operators. Engineers responsible for setting up and configuring projects will benefit from the enhanced speed and efficiency of the software, especially with features like the multi-TAP performance enhancements that allow for the operation of multiple JTAG chains at varied speeds. This facilitates more efficient testing across entire circuits, ensuring optimal data transfer rates.
Production line operators will find the software valuable for running tests more effectively, as the updates enable parallel testing and better visualisation of outputs. The improvements in the user interface, such as the redesigned Boards screen in XJDeveloper and the more intuitive Test Reset Sequence editor in the JTAG Chain Debugger, make the software easier to use during the testing processes on the production line. Additionally, the ability to display independent JTAG chains simultaneously in XJAnalyser offers operators a clearer view of board setups, enhancing the overall testing procedure.
The latest updates also include significant enhancements to the software’s design and user interface, such as a more intuitive and user-friendly Test Reset Sequence editor in the Chain Debugger, allowing easier waveform manipulation based on user feedback.